Killerburst Guitars
1221 New Haven Rd
Naugatuck, CT 06770
Closed Sunday
Weekdays 12-5
Saturday 12-4


Welcome to the Killerburst Guitars home on the web. As a long-time sufferer of GAS (Guitar/Gear Acquisition Syndrome), we are not only intimately familiar with its affects (effects?) but also well versed in a variety of therapeutic measures. We look forward to discussing a treatment strategy with you!

Who Is Killerburst?

When we refer to ourselves as "we", we are acting as an entity; As a legitimate, brick and mortar retail store here to serve our customers. In fact, "we" is really "me". My name is Jon Stafford. I've been a guitarist and music industry professional for my entire adult life. In the mid-'90s I realized that the internet was a place where guitar gear discussions could take place with like-minded individuals. Around that time I adopted the nickname "killerburst" for those discussion pages. The name refers to a gorgeous guitar I had custom built for me in the early '90s with a solid flamed maple body, finished in a killer honey sunburst.

How Did I End Up Here?

My career has covered a lot of ground in the music products and pro A/V business, but here's the abbreviated version: I started in the music retail business right after high school. I worked retail in a small full-service music store in CT for 8 years, specializing in bespoke instruments for players with high standards and discriminating tastes. I went on to work in the wholesale side of the business for many years, as a manufacturer's representative for dozens of high-profile companies, and as sales director for a couple manufacturers. I have finally come full circle now, returning to my roots in the custom/boutique guitar world. I think this is where I can do the most good and where I am happiest.

I fully believe that while guitar tone is in the hands, the tools you choose can either help or hinder your efforts in achieving that ultimate, personal tone. That's why I am here - to help remove obstacles for players searching for the ultimate representation of the tone they hear in their heads. This is a labor of love for me, and I am honored to be part of this process with my fellow gear heads. 


We carry selected inventory and represent custom commissions for a handful of carefully chosen guitar makers. Many of our stock guitars are custom built to specs I have chosen, and are not available elsewhere. All of our instruments are fully inspected and tested. Most instruments you see photographed here are the actual instruments you will receive. What you see is what you get. 


White glove service, all the way. We will do our very best to exceed your needs, constantly striving to ensure that you are absolutely thrilled with your experience here.